
I’m a philosopher working at an institute for Neuroscience and Medicine. The focus of my current work are philosophical analyses and evaluation of functions and dysfunctions of human cognition. That comprises epistemology, the philosophy of biology and neurosciences as well as the ethical questions related to empirical research of human (and artificial) cognition.

Next up:
BRAINTREE (ERA-NET NEURON Consortium): Brain Age Prediction – Diagnostic method or reconceptualizing age

Call for Applications / Stellenausschreibung:

Titel “Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Bereich „Ethik der Brain Age Prediction“ (w/m/d) (” (2024-142

Just out:

Book Series: Techno:Phil

Last books:

Bildgebung in den Neurowissenschaften.
Medizinische, rechtliche und ethische Aspekte

Technologische Selbstoptimierung – wie weit dürfen wir gehen?

Earlier 2022:

Neuroenhancement (open access)
Künstliche Intelligenz